Being a 41-year-old single girl who would love nothing more than to be married to a fabulous, devoted husband, there is one question that strikes a nerve every time it is presented to me. No, it is not “How come a wonderful woman like you hasn’t been snatched up?” …or some variation of that question. The inquiry I hate above all others is, “Where do you see yourself in x number of years?” I’ve made a habit out of spinning my answer so it sounds as if my inability to answer the question is the direct result of my faith in God. I respond with phrases like “Only God knows” or “I’m open to wherever God leads me”. In reality, my answer oozes of pessimism and resignation that hope is just a set up for disappointment. This outlook is the result of years of repeated disappointments that I won’t bother to unpack for you at this time. But certainly a major factor has been hearing over and over and over and then over again for nearly 20 years that my husband is sure to be waiting for me just around the corner and that I was destine to be a mother; and yet that reality still appears to be as elusive as finding a four leaf clover… or finding a comfortable and pretty, yet structurally sound bra.
I adopted the word “courage” as my motto for 2011, and since I have been mediating on that word and using it to make decisions something has dawned on me…being courageous is a spiritual discipline.
By reaching for the dreams I have put out to pasture, I can practice resting in God and trusting He loves me and wants good things for me. By taking risks I can exercise acceptance that my failures and/or the things I lack do not determine my value. For I believe in the God of the Bible who has told me my worth come from the fact that I am a daughter of the King and His unending love is what I need to feel whole. So I am going to take chances and celebrate each risk I take in the coming year with the hope of growing closer to God in mind. Whether I succeed or fall short I am positioning myself to take flight on wings of faith.
May I truly come to know and rest in the truth that “God has not given [me] a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline.” 2 Tim 1:7 NLT
Hugs & Smooches,
Lisa Ann